Albion’s early fire fighters were volunteers, and there were several successive firefighting organizations that operated here during the late 1800s. This included the Engine Fire Co. No. 2, the Hook and Ladder Company No. 1., the Union Hose, and Union Hose No. 2 departments.
Membership was a serious matter for these organizations and requirements were stiff. Members were expected to attend meetings, pay dues, and be at all fires. Attendance was taken at each fire, and some members were expelled for non-participation. Any member absent from a fire or a public parade without permission had to pay a fine of 25¢. Failure to attend a regular meeting landed you a fine of 10¢.
It is interesting to read the minutes of these organizations which reveal some of the challenges our early fire departments faced. One entry dated April 11, 1878 stated, “The Hook & Ladder Company proceeded to the Albion Hotel, where the fire was discovered to be in the roof. But as it had not got under very good headway, a few pails of water quenched the flames. And allow me to say that our ladders were locked on the wagon and when we were about to take them off, we were short a key to unlock the lock. Consequently, we broke the chain. Hereafter be sure the key is in a ready place or the breaking of the chain may be repeated at some future time.”
Having enough equipment always seemed be an issued. An entry dated January 6, 1880 stated, “Moved and seconded the secretary be authorized to draw up a petition to the Common Council for 12 leather buckets and four lanterns for the Hook & Ladder Co., and that the ladders and axe be found and repaired, ready for use.”
From our Historical Notebook this week we present a photograph of the men of the Albion Union Hose Company No. 2, taken in 1883. Front row left to right: James Wood, William Sebastian, Seth Hoyt, William Boughton, John Poor, and John Church. Back row: Fred Peabody, Collins Baldwin, Ben Cook, Ed Ransweiler, Frank Church, Mike Howard, Frank Boughton, Fred Gress, Charles Bush, and William J. Porr. How many of our readers have ever been a fireman?