This is the time for Concord’s representatives in the Michigan legislature to heavily lobby for emergency help and funding wherever they can get it. I hope they are “on this,” and I wish them a speedy success.
Meanwhile, up the road several miles, work is progressing this year on the reconstruction and repaving of Haven Road in Albion, along with the adjacent River Street. As part of the project, the bridge over the Kalamazoo River by the Victory Park waterfall is also being refurbished. Much of this involves replacing deteriorated portions of the deck and the sidewalks on each side. Most of the work has already been completed.
This bridge isn’t that old. It was only constructed in 1979 to replace an older one. This 1979 one really did need to be refurbished, however. It has endured years of being weather-beaten and was subjected to annual road salt applications, which rusted the metal rods and deteriorated the concrete itself.
Back then, it was a common practice to place a bronze plaque on newly constructed bridges, giving a date and the names of local officials who were in office at the time the structure was erected. I recently went to the bridge and found such a plaque. Note: Lest you be confused, "plaque" has a double meaning, but is spelled the same. It is also what the dentist removes from your teeth during your semi-annual cleaning.
From our Historical Notebook this week, we present a photo of the small plaque which appears twice: on the northwest and southeast side railings of the bridge. Both state in all capital lettering: "City of Albion, City Council, Charles W. Jones, Mayor. Robert Thomas, Ronald Gant, Jack McClure, France Constianes, James Cascarelli, Karen Harris. City Manager Lee Davis. Director of Public Works William Rieger. 1979." Unfortunately, you must bend over a bit in order to read these plaques, but they are still there for your historical information. How many of our readers remember these persons on the Albion City Council back in 1979?